Saturday 28 December 2013

Christmas. Part 2.

Today, we celebrated Christmas with my side of the family.  The power finally came back on at my parents' house yesterday, so we gathered there.  Paul and Michelle and their 3 year old foster daughter (whom I will call CutiePie for the sake of privacy) came from Stratford for the day.  Connor was also able to join us.  So with Auntie Ruth, Bruce, Sarah and myself there were 10 people around the table.  A new record!  We had to bring in a folding table to be able to seat everyone.

The day started with our traditional breakfast of "eggie-weggs", mini croissants and orange juice.  The eggie-weggs are made in muffin tins with a Ritz cracker crumb crust on the bottom, bacon around the edges and an egg cracked into the middle, then baked until the eggs are cooked.  Yum!

Then present opening.  Michelle made us a lovely quilled leaf, inspired by the trees around Falcon Lake.

I also received the "wake up light" from Philips I was hoping for from my parents.  It simulates sunrise 30 minutes before the alarm time, to help you wake up more naturally.  

For the afternoon, some people napped or read, while others played games with CutiePie.  I cooked the turkey, Mom made the stuffing.  Dinner was great, with all my favorites.

It was so great to have so many people I love all gathered together in one place for Christmas.   We even had phone calls from Auntie Barbara in Calgary and my cousin Allison in Victoria.

Back home now, I have just put the turkey carcass into the crock pot with some cold water, peppercorns, bay leaves and 1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar to make a yummy bone broth for tomorrow.

As much as I love Christmas, family gatherings and lots of rich food and drink, I am going to be happy to get back to routine again.  A nice bone broth will be just the thing to get me back in the mindset of Paleo eating.  I'm also looking forward to taking down the decorations and starting back on my FlyLady schedule for a major decluttering this January.  Stay tuned!

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